Looking at losing your licence?
We understand that being without your licence is more than just an inconvenience. It may mean the loss of your livelihood, being unable to drive your kids to school or get to important medical appointments.
We have extensive experience in how to can get the best possible result to get your life back to normal. Whether that is having the charge withdrawn, getting you the minimum period of disqualification available or a restricted licence to allow you to keep your job.
Traffic matters we regularly defend include:
Drink driving
Drug driving
Disqualified driving
Unlicensed driving
Dangerous or careless operation of a motor vehicle
Special hardship order applications (when your licence is going to be suspended by the Department of Transport)
Removal of absolute disqualifications
Don’t risk being without your licence for any longer than you need to be. Get in touch with us today to for a free initial chat to discuss how we can help.